Tuesday, April 15, 2014


Today is 4-15-2014 yesterday was a great day for me, the steps that was made were grate so I was told that I have to narrow down to what I have todo because at this point what I am building I know nothing about but that is where I have to do a lot of research that is hard , but can be done so no I am splitting my time to build this business on paper and build it in physical form .

After a day of rest it's time to start making phone calls getting things in order I have to think out the next movements for tomorrow it's like preplanning my work on top of my family life .Entrepreneurship is hard when you have family things todo but I make time for it, that's when flying by the seat of your pants is grate 

It would be nice to know some people but just more hard work for me , it's about having a little and making more then enough , what I'm equipped with is determination and that is more then enough for me at this beta period I'm closeing all the loop holes .

So what I intend to do is franchise it that is where I need a group because at the beginning their is no money your investing your time for future money , so with that I want to write a book that is my side project for myself , look for it it's coming soon. 

The best information I can give you is build a relationship with your bank and two talk to your small business administration (sba).