Tuesday, May 21, 2013

A little more

      Today i am at the point, where im like its not worth i keep going on and on and not getting results no

 matter what i pay off how many posting i do im like what is the game plan because right now i feel like i am 

not winning. its been days of having no money that turned to weeks, that is now years i have paid a lot of 

things off from my credit report and still my credit score is still lousy.

      Check my Google ad sense  i earned $.01 wow that pays everything or is it a result of my effort it cant 

be that is how much it coast night after night staying up finding info on marketing blogging my stories from my

 phone my goals , everything i offer ,well put it like this its one more penny then i had before but the trick is 

how do i get that penny the other thing is how do i add to it how much moor work do i have to do to 

become a internet guru or offer this information to the public.
      but in my other blog i will give you one secret to wealth that i learned the thing ids i want you to pass it to

 everyone you know i want it to go viral because the secret that i tell you it should give you hope that it ends 

what ends well at lest your money issue the other thing you have to fix for yourself

 http://workisneverfinish.blogspot.com/ this is the link to go to for that secret im going to name that post 

Money Secrets.