Friday, November 7, 2014

The decision

Today is 11-7-2014 and for the past few days I have been networking and paving a way for me to set up a life that I deemed.

So just a few minutes ago I was thinking what it was that I was doing wrong, I have been pondering this for a while but it took today for me to get it.

I'm not doing anything wrong I am making great decision their is nothing wrong everything is stupendous. It took me a long time to get it but now I am unlocked.

I was so focused on the small picture that was right in front of me I was not looking at the big canvas and how the details of the small pictures that I was missing the work of art I was creating.

I am the master of my money it works for me. I am grate I have all the tools to succeed I have no oppstical that I can't concur.

Now it's time to out do my former successful self because I am my only competition .

Friday, October 17, 2014

Money round up

Today is 10-18-2014 and I was thinking what it is that I want my business to grow from and I just want it to come together so that is why I peace it one shape at a time until it comes together.

So far to get money for my idea I have been to at least two times but never finished the process I don't know why but that is just how it happens.

I was reading a business plan app and what it was telling me was the things I'm already doing I want to get passed this point but I don't know how.

I have been repeating the same steps for years I know them in my sleep I have done even more but the results im looking for has not happen.

So I looked up my next venture and because it's in the line of the things I have already done I think I have to pay for exposers.

I have not set a goal on how much money I'm going to need to start and maintain my vision so I think that is the set back , I'm just in the pre planing stage for the big picture.

As fare as the goals I have set for 2014 I have reached most of them the only one I did not reach was get a house. I'm still working towards that .but I still have about two months to get it done.

For next year 2015 my goal will to get my list of yearly goals done in 6 months witch will make next year even more productive.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Solution, no block

Today is 10-12-2014 and it has been a total of 6 years since I started my business and the only thing that is different is when a stumbling block comes a long a can cross it faster

What this shows growth and it took me a long time to recognize this, when you see  a successful person and their business in doing well you don't what that person has been through.

The first wealthy person that caught my attention was Donald Trump and on TV he seems like a nice guy but reading about him and hearing some stories about him being a hastil person.

Now that I have started my Own business and i started with nothing, I understand how a successful person can be angry.

You go through so many hoops and door after door closed in your face you kinda build up your anger and your fuse becomes short .

And why the wealthy spend the way they spend, starting with nothing and telling yourself you can't have nice things because you don't have enough money when you do get it you still don't spend it like you want.

My stepdad said why you buy all those cars when you can only drive one at a time and for me I like options but if you have a lot of money you buy expensive cars as an investment.

See that last paragraph can tell the difference between thinking and lifestyle 
And education. 

Friday, September 19, 2014

No breaks

Today is 9-19-2014 and what has happened so far this week is that my car went and trying to get a business up and running without a place to start is hard I mean you can still make things happen by phone and Internet.

So what I have to eat that is on my plate getting things done to my car this is the car I have been doing my daily driving that went its a summer car so eventually I would have had to get a cuv or suv but I did not want to do that right now.

Also the ground work for another business I'm working on and I have called and called looking for a transmission for that car I'm building it on a budget but I'm getting other people to do the work.

And also finding money to get my real estate off the ground I mean I think I'm headed in the right direction but still I'm not getting the results I want.

Then getting things done with my book I mean I still have to get it copyright for it then decid if I want a agent to mark a path of success or go my own way.

I have my set up and the more work I do the more detailed the plan becomes the bigger my vision gets I have tried to focus on one at a time but the problem comes 3at a time so when I fix one I have two more to fix and 3 more problems come so I feel I'm always behind .

I forgot that I'm starting my app and have not gotten the time to do anything with that I need to get on the ball faster their are something I'm not doing so it's time to get back to my basics.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Today is 9-2-2014 and I am going to work on and develop an app I think it's going to take me a few months to do this but I have nothing but time .

This is a very inportant part of my growth my plan etc. I will need to broaden my view now and meet new people, getting to this part in the plan feels good I am moving forward I am focus I am now qualified to make something from nothing.

Right now I might not have a social life and if it was not for social media I would not have time to reach out to other people. But that is the way of life now it's hard to meet someone with meeting the on the internet first.

As far as my time it's this I watch cnbc all day and working on my business when I do take time for myself I take my kids on outings and taking naps.

The thing with multi tasking is a lot of your steps are lataral so it seem like I'm not moving forward but I am it's funny how just me living life is helping with my ideas.

So now I need money to get things done faster but it's the journey where the success is found I'm thinking of a side project to keep myself focus how I see it's like listing to a lecture and for some people to stay focused they draw on the corner of the page that is what it's like to me.

The funny thing is you learn how to multi task going through school because you learn so many subject in that 6-8 hrs while your their. If a person says they never learnd anything in school or what they did in school they can't use it in life I will show you a person who does not think.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

The example

Today is 8-30-2014 and this is my project car I have been tring to get it up and running but I keep running into problems but that is the whole objective of this to learn what really goes on when you rebuild a car.

So I bought the car not running because that is what I wanted but I did not expect the parts to be the prices they are but thanks to pep boys they have a program where they can order the parts and get points and discounts on your purchases. 

Now the problem is finding someone or a shop to do the work because some places say the do things but they don't and I have already spent about $400.00 just on towing it from place to place and a car cover.

I just had it towed to a transmission shop and the price I was quoted is $3,100.00 I don't know if it's the best price but since it's my car and I want it up and running and the winter is around the corner I need that key part. 

Last but not lest I want you to meet pumpkin king  , it's a 1993 Mitsubishi 3000gt current condition not running. But give it time and you will see it running.

Friday, August 1, 2014

More tools

So today is 8-1-2014 and what has went on the past few weeks is that I purchesed a laptop and Microsoft office and the templets it has and tools are great I'm first using it to type up my book then after that it's time to put my business in order because I have had a few distraction.

I feel as long as I get one thing accomplished the others will fall into place . It can be a big step or a little step as long as I'm moving forward and that is what I have been doing .

I have checked off everything on my old list now it's time for me to make a new list to complet but I want to complet the next list faster so I'm going to make the time limit shorter .

This is the only way for me to reach my goals I have made up a long term goal yesterday and it is to take over a publicly traded company my time limit is 3-5 years so I am going to hit the books like I am writing a thesis.

I'm on vacation and I was going to bring my work with me but I changed my mind at the last minute , and it was a great decision because I do not want work on my mind while I'm on vacation .

So I'm going to recharge continue to do new and fun things while make a better life. The win win situation .

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

First start

Today is 07-09-2014 and I have officially started the cover of the video game this is the biggest step I think because if it comes down to it I can go to school for video   game creation and that would take a few years but I know it would get done.

I feel I'm making progress on it you know any step toward a goal is a grate step the car that I chose is 3000 GT it is a shell but that is what I want and when it gets done it will be famous.

Now I did a video on YouTube but I don't think it uploaded but it was to choose an American car to also get suped up but I will check it or do another video and the next one I will promote and get a buzz.

As far as the body kit I don't know what I'm going to get but I have to get all the mechanic working first then I will post it on kick start to get funded for it.


Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Still working

Today is 6-25-2014 and I have been working very hard I can tell you on that book I'm writing I'm on chapter 8 it's 10 chapters longs .
But while writing I have been working on my real estate business  ,and doing the gaming idea first works. It is hard for me to get some time to myself but I'm making it happen.

I have the play by play works written down but the only thing I'm doing different is giving myself some deadlines and it works really well when you have self disaplen.

I've also started a YouTube Chanel I will post it in future blog . But I am doing things step by step on multiple things i guess that's how you get multiple streams of income.

When you have to work for yourself and have not gotten paid for non of the work you have done so far you are two things determined , or love what you do.

Thursday, June 5, 2014


Today is 6-5-2014 and I have started to write the book I wanted to write an I believe it will take it's readers to another level the only things is I have to finish the book .

    As far as my other ventures they to will have to get done so what I am going to do is give myself a time deadline to get certen things done like give myself less then a month to write this book but more then two weeks.

     The problem with that is the distraction I wl not let it get to me but I feel it will all be worth it in the end , I have also been seeing a business mentor every month and it has been grate because it keeps me motivated and showing progress with my business .

      So now I have to choose my next moves carfully because it can make or breake me so that is why I have other routs just incase it does not work out I can still arrive their meaning my happy place in life.

      So now that I made the check list it's time for actions and that's where you get the prase if you do one definate action a day you will reach your goal.

Friday, May 16, 2014


Today is 5-16-2014 and two things came up one was something I have to for my real e state business and the other is for the car business I have been focusing on I'm going to be big so to do that my thinking is bigbut the one problem is making the money.

How to get funding is where I'm stuck at I'm putting on a lot of work doing what I can it's very little but it keeps me occupied I feel I'm ready to make big. Steps so that is what I'm going to do I've been keeping you informed on my journey and that is so you will know what you have to do so when it's time for you to start your life adventure you will know what you have to look forward to.

I have my meeting in a few day but I'm so unorganized that I lost the paper and I have to find it again so on that note I tell you try to stay as organized as you can .

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The art of persistence

Today is 5-6-2014 and what has happend today is I found out that it's always going to be set back when your in business the thing is to be prepared for them an extra step that I am going to give you before you start a business you should check your credit first and see what back thing are going to come up while your on your journey to business success .

Reason why you do that is one when it's time to get a loan personal or business because at some point your going to need some money and they might not give it to your business but might give you a personal loan that you use for your business .

If your going into business for yourself don't quit your job just yet because it helps you two ways , you will keep getting a pay check and that helps you get a loan and , two it helps prepair you for long work days because at your job you have one job but when you start your business you have all the jobs if you can't picture it let me exsplan it like this if you ever worked at fast food , you open the store an hour early to get the food ready then you open the doors then you cash out the customers while cooking wiping tables and making orders and don't forget that you have to order enough for the demand.

That is what it is like to start and run your business but for free for a while until you start seeing money , that is what you have to do to see your name on all your employees checks so work on your signature .

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


Today is 4-15-2014 yesterday was a great day for me, the steps that was made were grate so I was told that I have to narrow down to what I have todo because at this point what I am building I know nothing about but that is where I have to do a lot of research that is hard , but can be done so no I am splitting my time to build this business on paper and build it in physical form .

After a day of rest it's time to start making phone calls getting things in order I have to think out the next movements for tomorrow it's like preplanning my work on top of my family life .Entrepreneurship is hard when you have family things todo but I make time for it, that's when flying by the seat of your pants is grate 

It would be nice to know some people but just more hard work for me , it's about having a little and making more then enough , what I'm equipped with is determination and that is more then enough for me at this beta period I'm closeing all the loop holes .

So what I intend to do is franchise it that is where I need a group because at the beginning their is no money your investing your time for future money , so with that I want to write a book that is my side project for myself , look for it it's coming soon. 

The best information I can give you is build a relationship with your bank and two talk to your small business administration (sba).

Friday, March 28, 2014


So today is 3-27-2014 and my week has been kinda busy so let me tell you about it first I went to the sba and tell them about my new business I want to do but what happend was it made me go more towards franchising it thank you sba.

Now the other thing I did was tried to get a shell gas station and I did the first part now I'm waiting for them to tell me if I can be part of their franchise that would make my day, now I have to do my research on how to franchise.

My work load is full and it's going to take me a lot of time but I have a few weeks to do what I have to do I have a out line of the business plan I start on Saturday 3-28-2014 it is going to be awesome , I would be scard to tell people but the fact that I have been doing this project for sometime now.

What I did not do again is do my research first but I am going to combine both my side project and personal project all at the same time it is going to be like a college final, well that is all I have for now so that is my journey for now.

Side note my mom tells me I should get the business she started and I'm thinking to myself I am doing two of my own and then I have to do yours it's like doing everyone's  homework 

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Over a hump

Today is 3-19-2014 and I am up thinking my mind is raceing on how I want to live and how I want my life to be I'm 30 and and I am still dreaming is that bad I'm not too sure the steps that I am taking seem right? The things I'm doing has made my life a little better. But I am at a loss I do one big thing that I think will make my life better , it's just not fast enough for me I know once the money comes in it's not going to stop it getting the money to start. 

The feeling of wanting to enjoy your hard work I can't wait for that feeling their are something's I just want the capital to do I want the boosters million effect to just blow a bunch of money until I don't want to spend it any more to have a budget like that and the things I would do and use it for it would make my family life better , I can see myself paying for like 100 of my family members for a vacation. 

But to do the things I want I need to think harder I want to employ like 10,000 people that would be sweet that is franchise potential it's just catering to the s&p figuring what they want and supplying it .

I'm reading articles everyday I have my ear to the street and the only thing that is buzzing is marijawanna making it legal throughout the US it has changed the rules to the point the canada has changed their rules on it I'm going to use the slang word (weed) it is really big business , in one month the government has collected like ten million in taxes form making weed legal in some states so what should I do get everything together so when it's legalized in my state I will have the market cornered ???? 

The whole purpose of going into business for myself was to have more fun but I don't want to run out of juice befor I can enjoy life

Friday, March 7, 2014

Social media starts business

Today is 3-7-2014 and yesterday I did a couple thing one is came up with another business , and two is took steps to get it out their my first business is my hobby this next one I'm going about it totally different then my first one so how I started is the best part.

Guide lines
The first business I did I jumped in head first it's all me , this next one I am going by guide lines so I have went to my bank and ask them what can I do to get a loan for this new start up and they gave me information on first steps to get help and that was grate but it is the next step that made me wonder about, the social media speck part I use two and one of them is Facebook the other G+

Hands down the feed back that I got from G+ was way better then Facebook so as far as my business plan it's going to add a lot of google products that they offer it just takes a little bit more to get my business, it happened at Firestone I went in to price tires because I already had a quote from another tire dealer for a cheap price but it was a problem that I had when the car was bought , Firestone fixed it and the next day I bought tires from Firestone .

Local score 
I have to go to my local score or sba and they will help me with my business plan and after that I will have to do what the bank told me to do for the breakdown of goals I want to reach with this new business 

Monday, February 24, 2014

More work ahead

Today is 02-24-2014 and last night I could not sleep because I was thinking of ways to build my business empire I have been making small step towards it but I want to run I want the fast lane so what should I do because no matter how big I want my business to grow I have little ones I have to keep a frigeorator full of food for so my delima is I have to make more money.

What have I done saved money, blogged and still I have not made a way opened a brokerage account put money in their and with that I have to pick a stock with but I jumped into it I need to read a book on the basic and all this work I am doing I need some vacation time and I have a few ideas that I want to get started on but they need money so I have to do something.

One idea that I am still trying to get going is my app I'm putting in all this work and I know I have a lot more to do but the work I do it should be very effective, my decision have to be precise and educated so I do more studying more reading of my basic books so what I'm going to do for the next few months is work out with my P90X and read my books and that should have my mind and body sound and fit.

So since I'm making these decision to make my family and I life better it's been ok so far but I need and want it to be better my kids like ordering things off tv and so do I , I feel I helped enough people where I can focus on my self but during this time I have been looking for a wealth coach and I never found one so I guess when I become wealthy I will become a wealth coach.

Just another step in my life to look forward to giving me something to do I have been blogging with hopes of coming out with a book the blogging helps with my thinking, my stress, my vocabulary , and spelling . So I'm helping myself by keeping this journal on my wealth journey .

Sunday, February 2, 2014

A new plan

Today is 2-2-2014 and since I started this blog I have done so much and reached so many goals , to me I thought that I was standing still because I did not get that overnight success but what I did get is a lot off exspreance and it took me to take steps in my next plan to understand how far on my journey I have come  .

So a few days ago I started looking for a brokerage account so I called my banks they said they could not do anything for me so I wanted one so I have to put time and effort to get what I want . I started looking on the internet for my solution and I found a couple of answer and I called them and asked a few question and they both do the samething . When I was on the phone with one my phone died so I waited till the next day and looked at the company I went with .

The company I went with is Fedilty it was easy to Singh up and do everything the one thing that I liked is that it's 24/7 I rarly sleep so it give me something to do in the middle of the night that's the reason why I choose them I download the app and played with it for a bit and raed the agreement so the next thing todo is really use it and I do things to make it fun for me .

Now I have to do a lot of reading to come up with a strategy pluse I get to ask Fedilty for help with this part until I learn all the tricks of the trade but it's the fact the nobody reads my blog really because if they did they would understand what I'm going through and help me out but no . It's funny I made a journal for the world to see and no one reads it but if it was priverate it might be more existing to read............No