Well I am a start up and I am making all the moves I can to grow my business but every step is you need money.
When they say it takes money to make money it is true at least in my case, I am having a very hard time getting capital for my business.
I feel like I have done everything I can it's not working the only thing I didn't do is sell pieces of the company.
I went to a bank looking for a corporate account and and I told them I am a start up and I have been in business for a few years.
Their question was do you make any money I told them no and their words was we can not help you ouch.
That is all I hear all the time still no and I can not help you and I keep trying to get this business up in the air for the world to see it.
I have the first step in motion and I do not have the money to buy the property i feel every option is a dead end.
I'm still trying to make online hundreds still nothing, everything I tried did not bring capital my way. So what am I to do to get things going the right way.