Monday, October 19, 2015

Justus House Realty

I want to tell you about an up and coming company it's call Justus House Realty the ideas from this company are wonderful because Justus House Realty is about fun and family.

Justus House Realty facilities will be for all ages. How does this company plans to achieve this well it has a strategic plan that has been in the works for more then 3 years.

What Justus House Realty is going to offer is not the next big thing but it's going to give you the major component that you need to come up with the next big thing.

Justus House Realty has been running for 4 years now it is past the average time for a business to close up or shutdown.

What is the first thing where going to see from Justus House Realty in 2016 you're going to know the logo making it a home brand. 

Your like how do I get involved with this company at this point in time Justus House Realty is not interested in investors but when it is it will state a clear way for you to get involved.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

It's not the money

To day I have been thinking what am I doing wrong and I found out what it was I was chasing the money it took a few months for me to get it .

I have been doing everything but still have not been making money I have gone the extra mile I have let them miss me and still not a dime .

I have tried to give them a glimps of my dream still nothing I have became $4,000.00 from being debt free and still nothing . 

So what I concluded is its my lifestyle that I will share with them for a fee I was living the dream all along but was too focused on the future .

Everything is attainable I was just starting at the wrong end I was not starting with me I was not taking care of me I wanted a group like me but their is only one me.

So on Monday I will start at my angle .