Monday, October 19, 2015

Justus House Realty

I want to tell you about an up and coming company it's call Justus House Realty the ideas from this company are wonderful because Justus House Realty is about fun and family.

Justus House Realty facilities will be for all ages. How does this company plans to achieve this well it has a strategic plan that has been in the works for more then 3 years.

What Justus House Realty is going to offer is not the next big thing but it's going to give you the major component that you need to come up with the next big thing.

Justus House Realty has been running for 4 years now it is past the average time for a business to close up or shutdown.

What is the first thing where going to see from Justus House Realty in 2016 you're going to know the logo making it a home brand. 

Your like how do I get involved with this company at this point in time Justus House Realty is not interested in investors but when it is it will state a clear way for you to get involved.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

It's not the money

To day I have been thinking what am I doing wrong and I found out what it was I was chasing the money it took a few months for me to get it .

I have been doing everything but still have not been making money I have gone the extra mile I have let them miss me and still not a dime .

I have tried to give them a glimps of my dream still nothing I have became $4,000.00 from being debt free and still nothing . 

So what I concluded is its my lifestyle that I will share with them for a fee I was living the dream all along but was too focused on the future .

Everything is attainable I was just starting at the wrong end I was not starting with me I was not taking care of me I wanted a group like me but their is only one me.

So on Monday I will start at my angle .

Wednesday, September 23, 2015


So as I set here and think , saying to myself did you do everything you could possibly do . And I start to feel better because I did ,I have started going the extra mile in everything I do .

I have started to refresh myself giving my body and mind a recharge when it needs it . I have made a checklist and started to check off things and my time frame is the 100 day challenge.

The big thing was to start that is all I had to do and finish , the outcome of this is to become wealthy while giving me things to do.

I'm getting to understand business as whole and where people get stuck , because I'm in the same boat and to understand this you would have to own your own business.

I have been reading a lot and listening to talk radio and it helps me with solutions for certain problems I run into my biggest problem is finding a baby sitter but to solve this I have to get creative.

It's finding someone in your budget when you start your business I think that is why commission is the best start up insensitive so on this note I have to think how can I make it commission based and get employees who wants to work 

It must be time to make what I already have more efficient let me get to it.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Being told no

Today is 8-19-2015 time 9:00pm what a day it has been I was denied for my funding in kickstarter I though I was in the fast lane to get the video game I want to create .

It sucks to follow all the rules to make thousands of dollars on the internet and nothing happens you try all the tricks black hat white hat gray hat all sources of the internet.

Want to get money so bad that you go to the underground Internet and still nothing happens it's been a few times I looked up a idea on google and get nothing found on the subject.

I don't have any friends so I spend a lot of time just doing things because I can its so bad I went to a open interview at GameStop did not get the job .

Placed an add in a free newspaper no calls I tried to get family involved still nothing so I'm done complaining it's going on all action good or bad I just want results.

Monday, August 17, 2015


Today is 8-17-2015 time 9:09 am feeling motivated so in life you have to practice if you want to become great at it . The more you practice the better you become at it the more options you have  with it.

Here's a example when I first started to blog it was so hard to write over four paragraphs but I kept writing and it became so easy to write, reason why because I knew that I was going to write a book the blogging was my practice.

They say the definition of insanity is doing something over and over. What is the definition of practice is doing something repeatedly or regularly to improve one's proficiency.

So in my book they are both the same the slight difference is what you expect so now that is out the way what is it that you want to practice.

What I try to practice is asking the right questions doing so puts you at a better position to understand ,put you at an advantage and in life you need every advantage.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015


Today is 7-14-2015 and what I have been doing is a checklist of the things I'm doing and need the only thing is I have a short time frame.

So I started my second book and it is going well I did not give myself a time frame because it is a guide it's step that I am doing to attain something I want.

I also broke down part of my engine on my GTO and I did this because I wanted to and its teaching me about my actions and budget and it gives me a break from other things.

I'm in process of putting to action what I learned in Realestate it's just foot work now all thing I will talk about in the book so this is just a update,I am trying to buy a school I need funding 

Thursday, May 21, 2015


Today is 5-21-2015 what I have learned , is the reason I am a lone wolf or what people call anti-social . It's becaus I choose to be in not antisocial I speak to random strangers. 

The fact is when your at a different place in your life then other people aka the people around you . You try to encourage them to find out it's a waste of your time because they are stuck and unhappy and don't see a way out .

When you are making milestone and don't brag about them people with something society deems valuable they tend to think their life is so much better than yours.

All I can say is I will not hang with those type of people why because I can wake up every morning and look in the mirror and motivate my self 

Sunday, January 25, 2015

What I learned from a door

Today is 1-25-2015 and I learnd a success lesson from a door how you ask when all a door can do is open and close well yes . 

Opportunities don't close or shut you out its a door that opens and closes , if the door closes on you that's not the end of it it's just a extra step that you have todo for that opportunity.

The extra step is the way you open the door to success or the opportunity, it's two ways to do it you can push your way in or pull your way in or you can push or pull your way out.

It's the extra step that stops some people from reaching that point in their life because of pushing or pulling they just stair at the door.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Today is 1-14-2015 and I am an entrepreneur and as I go day to day still trying to get my business out their, I run across this problem it's the money problem it's a circle of dead ends for me right now.

Every time I go to the bank I feel like me and the branch manager are doing the who's on first skit , but it goes like this
Me: how can I get a loan
Branch manager: you have to have good credit 
Me:how do I get good credit 
Branch manager: you have to have a line of credit
Me: how do I get a line of credit 
Branch manager: you have to fill out this credit application 
Me: ok done
Branch manager: you were denied 
Me: I know because I tried to get a credit card 
Branch manager : you know your hurting your credit score 
Me: well I have to get a line of credit from somewhere 
Branch manager:try again next time and have a good day 

So if you don't have a job they won't give you a line of credit , but then you do a secured loan and you get charged to loan your own money to yourself.

It's  like when will I break through the dog chasing its tail phase , I am ready to start living the businessman life, the one I look at in the mirror everyday.

I heard the prase I have been given nothing for so long that I am now qualified to make something from nothing.

I want an unlimited budget but I have a shoestring budget the difference is I have one time for what ever idea I come up with to work unlike an unlimited budget where I can keep throwing money at it until it works.

I thought I had ran out of things to talk about but I didn't I was just in the same loop as every start up.