Friday, December 7, 2012

What to do?

Well yesterday I went to the nutcraker with my 4yr old son the date was 12-06-2012 and after that he took pictures and then I left well the next morning I got a flat tire got it towed and got it fix but I had to take my son to school like I do everyday so it was late and my sons mom asked her friend to take my son to school 69 on clinton st and some teachers came to her and told her that his asst. Teacher had pushed him down so but yesterday 12-06-2012 the teacher told me that something happend and its not the first time its been going on so now I want to know what to do I have called CPS and they said because it was a teacher they can not do anything. My sons mom talked to the princable and file a report so what is the next big step.

Friday, November 16, 2012

A game plan

Well since I joined the avon team I have been trying to get more sales and get in the door to make more sales I am thinking of calling my rep but the thing is being on a shoe string budget its the money is so thin I can't wait to spred it on thick to boost my sales.
     I did sale almoste 200.00 usd my first its called a campain but after that I have t get in it again and it is not that hard now that I think about it , so what I will do is get my things out their asap in my area things meaning fliers I have to make them first that is the first part.
     So I will spend my saterday 11-17-2012 on getting my fliers out for avon so I can make the money that I need to make.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

How i became an Entrepreneur

      It has been a rainy day all of 10-27-2012 and i have been doing a lot of thing to make money but i am just making cents that is the funny thing about it, i have been doing the things that other people won't so i can live the way i want to live later. going without is not fun for me living under my means has not let me save more money it has gotten a few bill collectors off my back but the thing is my credit score went down that is funny everyone else pay things on their credit report and their score goes up, me i pay stuff off and my credit score goes down i guess its opposite day for me and no one else.
      this is the thing that people don't tell you about is paying dues for the past three years i have been living under my means no new things just working for myself and being with my kids and still its like the people around me dint want me to work for myself and have money i mean what is that about in the past three years i have grown angry i smile a lot less jokes are no longer funny. i'm starting not to like the people around me because all the do is say you need to do something the thing is i am every day.
     i sleep less then others around me i do for others around me but still i need to do what they say and instead of telling them i don't want to live like you i bite my tongue because i was told that if you don't have anything nice to say don't say it at all so i kept quit my whole childhood now that i am grown and not a kid anymore i find it harder to find joy in things, i use to not care about the price now i am looking for deals.
     I play the lottery from time to time and still no jackpot i go to the casino and its not fun to try to win money because that little extra money i feel that i am going to need it a few days later, some people say put it in gods hands i tell them its hard to do that when you have not eating in two days, Some people say go to fast food i tell them i did that and worked hard for years and my time and effort and ability to get things done and make their shift go smooth and still don't get a raise but i am always the first person you call did that to learn that i do not want to do it any more.
       Worked at my local grocery story and told them that i was on the football team and i have to go to some games do not put me to work on those days what they do put me on the schedule and all of a sudden had to let me go, This is funny really funny i worked for sears and you think this is a joke but i got fired on my day off this is what happen i would put the sales prices on in a department in the store and this day the day before the ad ran i did my job like usual but i did not work the next day so i did not come in the day i came back none of the prices i marked to change the price was changed swapped anything i go and and say the prices that i marked were not changed the manager told me why didn't i change them when they were supposed to be changed i told her i did not work that day , so was i supposed to come in to work to change the prices on my day off........... Really????
        it seemed like my whole life lemony snicket's like that always happen to me so me working extra for every cent that i get and you think i am going to let someone else tell me how i am going to live, NO not going to happen i followed the rules just so you can make rules as i go along i'm ready to live i bite my tongue for to long i have missed treated myself for too long and i have let others do the same not anymore when its not theirs they say you should have listen to me i tell you like this if that other person wanted it that bad they would have been well established and able to help you.
        I had to become an entrepreneur so i could keep a job because as you can see how places keep letting me go but the last one is funny i worked for a temp agency and i was working at this candy place well one day i got hurt did everything they told me to got better they put me in the office and then fired me so i went through a lot and that is just the working for someone else phase of my life.
       The Entrepreneur phase goes like this i try to sell pre paid legal, i have sold cutco knives made to all the meetings with the pre paid legal but still no sales and the fact i was working and doing that i did not get into any trouble e to use it. Cutco well it was one week that i had got the most sales and i worked damn hard for that and the team i was with was like mad that i made the most sales i'm like this is what its like for people to think that you are at the bottom of the totem pole. i could go on  and on about the things that happened to me now i just keep my mouth shut.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

I joined Avon

    Well to day i joined a Avon team the date 10-20-2012 and i have a few ideas to market the products i get a website and a few catalogs to start and i am going to have fun with this why you ask because i like fashion not whats instyle but what is setting trends so the ideas i have to just get it done.
    Lets get to the story of how i ended up to this point, well i get (@%^&*#$!) you should sell Avon i said sure then she said i will sign you up so you can talk to someone thats fine i said. a few days passed and i get a call from a wonderful lady and we set up an appointment i missed it because i got an blowout well i fixed the blowout and it was too late for me to make the appointment.
   After rescheduling the appointment we made it for a few days later and i told myself that i  am going to call the wonderful lady and see if we can meet early and i she did we talked about how long she was selling Avon and she can't wait to be her own boss but with avon she is so to help myself i am going to help her get the most out of selling Avon.
   I have my books And in a few i will get my website for Avon and mix it with all the ways i can make money  and go from their.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

A Opportunity

    Hello, well for the past few weeks i have been talking to a company that does phone apps me and the guy have been e mailing and calling and he know how bad i want this app to get in production but the thing for me is the funds. not having enough or taking to long to come up with the money so what have i done to get to this point a lot this is the check list i went through.
   Asking i asked and asked everyone and nothing happen everyone tells me i don't have anything to give but when they call me i am always their to help them but when its my turn for help no ones around and is too busy, so from now on i am booked up i have no time for no one.
   then i tried to sell my coins that i have and found out that they are not worth anything but the information that i got it was worth my time so i went back to all the people i asked for money and called them up and asked if i could go through their pocket change, and the change they keep in their jars and get a few of them know what they told me no...... now that is just making me mad, thinking to myself you ask me and i give it to you i ask you and their is no help for me o-Kay.
   so going through all this and talking with the guy he told me if i bring them customers then he would give me commission and i jumped on it the first thing i did was went to craigslist and posted one ad and then it was time for me to go home and go to sleep because i would have a early day if you want to take a look at the ad here it is
   Talking to an associate about it and he tells me that he talked to a guy that invest and he told this guy about me but i think he was lying but its o-Kay because that is what we do is lye to each other but he went that far, we make a few dollars together so i'm not that mad about it, this is just the what you have to go through to get the life you want as an entrepreneur. 

Sunday, October 7, 2012

how to get free shipping

   Hello what i want to tell you about is my website witch is this is an Amazon site but the the information that i have for you know is something new and it is amazing just let me tell you this it is a membership program that you use to pay for your shipping and handling on everything the limit is $500.00 USD a year so i offer this information to you for all the internet shoppers out their.
    For the people that do surveys and get a Amazon gift card think of the website if you just want to order anything just think of the website plus you get the information i am about to give you, it is free shipping and it to give you more for your dollar it is great you order something then its a shipping and handling fee and you get that back putting more money in your hand.
   If you never herd of this let me hurry and give you the web address its and the number to talk to someone is 1-888-895-2973 and they can give you more information on the subject, and if you want to know how i came across this information check out the other side to this blog that is it is great entertainment for you so when you want to order anything online think of and tell your friends so it is a win win for all shoppers.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

look out when starting your business

    Do you know when your going to receive bad news , well let me tell you, you have a bad week it starts 9-26-2012 and the breaks go in the car both of my accounts end up in the negative and looking for a job while trying to find that internet wealth i get a warrant from New York State department of taxation and Finance so you tell me that all that happens and i have no money coming in no job, took all my houses and car and still wants more from me. 
   On 9-26-2012 i started to do the breaks on the car i drive, the funny thing is that it took me four hours to do it, let me explain first got the parts for the car get the parts off and find out its something else its the whole break caliber so had to get that but the breaks were off the car so i had to walk to get the parts, came back to finish the job get it all done and then it starts to rain thats good because i was done........... no had to do the other side. it stopped raining got the other side done and then i called it a day left my moms house before i received my mail.
   Now its early morning 9-27-2012 and i see my mail form the day before and i open the one from New York State Department of Taxation and Finance and guess what the surprise was, a warrant saying they were going to take all my money and i'm like everything is already gone but still you want all of my information well let me give it to you last time i worked was in 2009 since then i have bough a few houses and the state took them and then started my own internet business and did not have enough money to keep it going so now its about to be 2013 and i have no job no money coming in you can say i am on edge.
\   I have done everything they said with the information i was given and guess what i think i used it wrong because it worked for someone in the past it just did not work for me now what am i going to do lets go through the list Started my own real e state company started and maintained my internet business and paid off some debt. But its like doing all this by yourself and everyone is coming to you for answers you like you have so much more than me and you cant handle your finances. im in my predicament because i bought so much with so little and paying off debt without working in almost 4 years but you cant even handle regular bills and stuff and you get paid week to week and people say i need to get on disability because its something wrong with me.
   Whats the next thing i'm going to do is go to a seminar on finance and see what tips i can learn but i read a book that teaches you about Getting out of debt and its call "The Richest Man in Babylon" i try to do that but guess what happens something always come up.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

if your going through foreclosure

Do you have a foreclosure well don’t fell bad because I have 3 I know it was a home that was taken from you but me it was homes and dreams . I know how you feel but read this and comment say if this was your thinking process when it happened to you.
   My story , well lets just go straight for  the foreclosure part it starts with the property tax and the other taxes witch is garbage , and water well you get these notices and what do you do you let them stack up because you might not have the money for it ,then if you don’t live in the property then its two years and the city is going to take it so to keep them from taking it you go and make a payment plan you pay a most of it and miss one payment and its gone sold for auction.
    You are tiring to get out of debt so that is why you paid cash for the property but it has been foreclosed on now your credit is terrible and its done after that you can not get a loan for anything and if you do your inters is going to be so high that its not even worth it to get . So what do you have to do most people will say you should file for chapter 11 bankruptcy and the high inters from that and 7 years your good to go.
       This seven years you have to wait to get back in the game if you don’t have a job its going to be very hard to get one if you do have a job you are stuck their stagnant now you are thinking of doing things on the side for extra money you start to sell your possession and then you find out I paid all that money for this thing and I am not going to get 25% of what I paid for it back then you feel like why? Should I buy rectal. You run out of thing to sell but you still need money for those bills because you don’t make enough at your  job so you look for other ways to make money leangle and you cant find a way you cant borrow another dime from anybody.
        Now your angry and hungry and you cant think straight but you heard that crime pays and people keep asking you for drugs and its like that’s what I’m going to do so you find some because its every where. And all the loose change that you have been putting to the side you cash it in and get a lot of drugs for a cheep price so everyone that was asking you did you have drugs now you tell them I got and how much you need and if you are lucky you double your money and now you are addicted to the fast money .
       Every thing is good now your smiling your making money and your like I’m going to get back everything and more that I lost why because the money is coming from your job and your hustle if you don’t have a job then you are moving most of the day if you have a car your profit is getting ate up by the gas prices because you make deliveries so now you like I have to get more money so you run across some one looking for prescription drugs and you find someone that has them so now you dealing illegal and legal drugs but for you its all illegal .
       Now you wake up from that 10sec day dream and say no I’m not going to go that way but you are still stressed because your house was foreclosed on you need money and you sold everything now your in my life,  lost everything no job no credit and cant even get a loan from your mother or father and credit score it to low for a payday loan all that is left for me now is to find more ways to get my websites out their  witch are these are the only way for me to make money and get more then what I had back but I’m not making any money because no one is buying I have what they need they just have not seen it yet.

Start a HBB

                                            Want to start your own business?

       Well let me tell you it is very easy to start, and hard to finish, i know you want instant success and you can get it after the time you learn how to run your business. When I started it was in Real-e-state I was very motovated took the classes and everything but the thing was i did not go to the groups and other classes so next time i will do it different see i jumped in head first because i was not leting anyone stop me so i lost a lot of money but i look at it as i paid for my two years at Balling University that it the next step after the school of hard knocks, but i had bad credit so could not get a loan so what did i do went to the internet to make money for my real-e-state.
Alternet Start
       Freash in the internet home base business (hbb) i did not jump into it i did research from top to bottom, first hbb was its an amazon website and it has deals better then the big box stores with this you have to get it to as many people as you can to make money from it but to maintain it its a hosting fee and you just keep it user friendly with this site I took it from no visitors to about 7,000 visitors in the first year if you dont think that is not big then if you do start a hbb then you will find out. Second hbb is it is a gas additive that gets you more milage out of any car and any type of gas now with this one their is no hosting fee for the site. The final site is this deals with credit card machien and other services that can help start your business or keep it running now this site also has a hosting fee.
What To Look For
      Breaking down your hbb you are going to need a few hundred dollars for the web site and your monthly hosting fee, this is before you start making sales you are going to find a niche what that is a audiance that likes what you are selling so when you pick your niche make sure it is a hobby it is better for you and the long jevitie of your hbb.
Well i have been doing the get paid using the internet for going on 3yrs date 10-23-12 and for the past year i have been just using my android and i phone to get paid, and if you go out to eat now you can use pay pal all over and its growing rapidly so if you don't have a pay pal account you need to get one. that is the very first step in getting paid using the internet.
    On my 3yr search and hard ship  to go through so i can be come a internet success story i came across a few app that you can use why you're on the go one is we rewards here is a link for you to get the app  this is a very easy way to make a few dollars. and one more that i recommend is receipt hog it is an awesome app all you do is take a picture of your grocery receipt and you get money for it  i know that is great.
   This is all the information that i have to offer on this subject when i hear or see a new option i will inform you of it, if you go and read some of my other post their are more ways and links for you to get paid so check them out. and keep up the search and ambition to make your life better.     

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Don't go to sleep with money on your mind

If you are like me and you are an enterprenuer then you are trying to find ways to make money,well you may have a great idea or ideas but the next step in being a enterprenuer is organizing your idea and that is where a lot of people fail. Now that you know that let's see if my steps will help you, to day I had an idea and its great to the point that it can become a show and inspier others and help at the same time.
   I was helping a friend find a house / apartment on creigs list and came across something that intriged me it was a mobil home that someone wanted moved so I started to ask question about mobil homes and how to move them to see if I can make some money and it was eating at me because I did not have the tools to do it myself . That's when I started thinking I can do this on my spair time.
   Next thing I did was made the list of what I needed and what I had to do and the list was not that long I need a pick up truck ,a whearhouse , and a smart phone . After the check list all I have is the smart phone one down and two more to go, also what would help me if I knew someone with a pick up truck but the way to get around that is to rent a pick up truck, so that makes two things done on the check list. The last thing is the whearhouse that is the hard part how can I get a whearhouse well now is where you need the captial or someone with deep pockets to back you and that is another part where people fail because they take all the steps they can and its back to I need money to get this off the ground and this is an important part. Now the option get a storage unit and start their.
    So now you have everything or a way to get everything now you have to see about the budget , do the budget for a hole year and see how much it takes to run your new company then the next step is your own website . That is how you can turn an idea to a money maker and that is why you don't go to sleep with money on your mind because you think about it and thinking and sleeping doesn't mix because you wake up tired.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

jail breaking your IP ( i phone) device

    Hello this is for all the IP user that could be I phone ,I pad ,or I pod well I did a quick search on jail breaking my IP and I what happen is I got a guid step by step how to do it now I know this sounds like fun , but I have not done it yet. Why? You ask well one if you do the jail break it voids the apple contract not your phone provider and when its time to get it fixed you are S.O.L. because they will not fix your device after you jail break it.

   So before I give you steps to jail break your IP device, make sure you have a back up so you can maintain your daily activities that is a extra phone , pad  , or tablet me myself im going to wait till the IP5 comes out and then I will do the break on the IP4 that way it’s a win, win for me.

   Follow these simple step-by-step instruction to jail break your I phone

Step 1: download greenpois0n from and run it as an administrator on your mac or pc

Step 2: power off your I phone and connect it to your pc

Step 3: walk through the step to put your I phone into DFU mode to prepare for jail break

Step 4: once your in DFU mode, click the “jailbreak” button in green poison to jailbreak   your I phone

Step 5: Now , just wait until the status bar show  complete, and your I phone will reboot to the home screen

Step 6:  you should now have a new “loader” icon on your springboard. Launch loader . Select  Cydia> install Cydia.

Step 7: once Cydia has successfully been installed , you will be asked if you want to remove Loader. Hit “remove” and your I phone will automatically reboot.

Congratulation!  If  you made it this far, you know have an awesome jail broken I phone! Be sure to check out “installous” and others that have great free applications.