What this is, the moves i did to get paid off the internet a lot of people said it could not be done well i have started the process with my own little system, I can tell you what i did but its up to you to do what i've done just to get to this point where i can tell you some of the steps. It was not over night i can say at this point i have been learning and doing internet marketing for about 6-7 month it was no cake walk all the flak i have recived just because i want to be my own boss i get talked about like i did something terriable but i know what i want and that is not to punch someone else's clock and i'm sticking to that. And if you want to be your own boss some of my situation you will go through so let's start the story.
Well i started being my own boss when i invested in real-e-state and man it started out good i was useing my own money to fund my project but it did not become hard until the funds got deplited and it got to that point i was paying for jankey(bad) work so i fired them then to get more money i took that Armondo work shop it did not work fror me why because with bad credit and no money on a no money down procedure you still need money. So i was trying everything you can't get a loan without a job ( thats a lie because i did that, it was about the only cool thing that i did) but at this point i need money bad i mean really bad so its about christmas time and i have no money what so ever so i get in my head that i was going to be one of thoes people that makes $18,000.00 a week look at my statements. well it was two month i was searching and before that i was never on the computer because when you have a family computer when you get on it someone always has something to do so i knew i need complet focus to get to my goal so i dust off my notebook and get to work well they said to get to that point this is what I had to do get a facebook and a twitter so i did and i thought it was going to be easy but no it is hard to get a lot of followers on twitter and and friends on facebook then i get the home base business my first website
http://adf.ly/2I9MA it is a amazon website.
I was marketing this website i feel good because Togo from no visitors or me being the first to visit to 2000 visit i feel is a great accomplishment so the money is not coming in like it was suppose to really not at all and now i'm like when and how do i get paid so i am still searching i'm doing research and taking call with this program i'm signing up for programs the thing is with the bear minimum of extra funds that i had. What i can tell you is i learned a lot of tips and tricks for internet marketing and being a successful entrepreneur so i found another network
http://adf.ly/2IDuT man it is so positive i call them my swom family. Still searching for that big thing i learn what a nitch is and man it starts i learn how to get free traffic all this in 6 months i learn tips and tricks of twitter Facebook and Google its like i'm on my notebook at least 17 hours a day i wanted it bad but still no money then i started with surveys i was on it then i ran across this you would not believe it i started getting paid to read e-mails but you have to see for yourself
http://adf.ly/2IE7w so then i do a blog my first real blog it was horrible i hope it never surface, it is bad after that its back to learning how to market then i try list building and still no money i'm like can i get a break when does the money start to flow.
back to media marketing so i'm networking and come across something else
http://adf.ly/2IEMg this is another way to make money the name is zib zoom but i was trying everything and doing everything. i'm still looking for that great nitch to get paid like they say on the websites so then my notebook goes out on me now i'm like my main tool breaks so then i started on my search with how to make money with your smart phone no luck with that but i was marketing with my cell phone would like to say thank you sprint if someone from their is reading this story. The next two websites or home based business i get are
http://adf.ly/2I9Wm and i hit the bricks with this one because you get to do some leg work and i was doing it then its this one it gives me trouble with the name but
http://adf.ly/2I9QM it is a great product its a fuel cleanser.
Then its my 2ND blog oh so much better a lot better then the first one that blog was just for me to vent and tell a little of my story but the words just came out i felt soooo much better its like internet therapy. the third one it was great i was all on Facebook and twitter telling people to read it this is the link for my 3rd blog
http://adf.ly/2I9kc and now its this one the 4Th blog me talking about how we got to this point where i entertained you with my story of success.